Spring Quarter Educational Session Invitation

May 4, 2017

Campus and Student Life and the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs are offering educational sessions covering Title IX, the University-wide Disciplinary System, and Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention. These sessions will include information on group dynamics, consent, risk management, bystander intervention, University policies and processes, and support/resources for the campus community. The sessions are open to all students; student groups, athletic teams, and houses in particular may find the information beneficial in the education and management of their organizations.  

The last session of this academic year will be offered on the following day and will take place in Kent 107.

Thursday, May 18 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

RSVP for these sessions at the following link: https://csl.uchicago.edu/form/umatter-uchicago.

If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Shea Wolfe at swolfe1@uchicago.edu.

UChicagoSocial: Campus and Student Life