December 4, 2013
Uncommon Nights returns to help bring a close to Fall 2013 with a Snow & Mistletoe winter celebration. This event, which takes place in Reynolds Club from 10 p.m. - 1 a.m., is the first of many late night fun, stress-relieving, and alcohol-free events dedicated to building community. This night will feature FREE food, the LARGEST Human Bingo game at UChicago, dancing, speed friending, video & board games, and so much more! Health Promotion and Wellness will be raffling off $25 Amazon Gift Cards every 30 minutes and even a chance to win 2 behind the scenes tours of the Shed Aquarium!!!
The house with the highest percentage attendance will win a house grant for $100. So coordinate with your WellCzars & RA's & make it happen. Student groups who get the most attendance will be awarded a prize (1st prize $75 & 2nd prize $25).
Speed Friending will be in Hallowed Grounds at 10:20 & 11pm
Video Games,board games & dessert will be in McCormick.
A 90's style winter dance will be in Hutch.
For more information visit Uncommon Nights on Facebook.