Dr. Meeta Kumar
Assistant Vice President for Student Wellness
T: 773.834.WELL
Dr. Meeta Kumar is the Assistant Vice President for Student Wellness and provides administrative leadership and oversight for UChicago Student Wellness and Student Disability Services. UChicago Student Wellness includes medical, counseling, health promotion and U-SHIP services and operations. Student Wellness offers comprehensive medical and mental health care as well as well-being programs to all eligible UChicago undergraduate, graduate and professional students. Meeta is a key spokesperson for student wellness concerns and works closely with all campus constituencies including faculty, staff, student groups and families.
Meeta has been with UChicago since September 2019 in the roles of Director of Student Counseling and Executive Director of Counseling and Health Promotion. She is a highly experienced psychologist who has worked in the field of college mental health for two decades. She has previously held various leadership roles at Counseling and Psychological Services, University of Pennsylvania. Her areas of specialization include, development of innovative strategies in providing clinical services; effective public health approaches; engagement of faculty and staff in supporting student mental health needs; suicide prevention; impact of culture, identity and marginalization on mental health in clinical and higher education settings; Asian American/South Asian as well as International/immigrant student concerns. National and local media outlets like The New York Times, NPR Marketplace among others, have interviewed her. She received her B.A. in Psychology, Philosophy, English Literature, an M.A. in Psychology in India, and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania.