UChicago Student Wellness
UChicago Student Wellness provides medical, mental health, and wellness support that is tailored to students’ needs.
UChicago HELP
UChicago HELP is a collaborative program within Campus and Student Life made up of a robust set of systems and practices, including some resources that are available 24/7, that support and care for our students. UChicago HELP assists students in navigating academic and personal difficulties, while also ensuring that University community members (such as faculty, staff, and students) can connect students needing help with assistance in a timely manner.
UChicago HELP is comprised of the:
- Deans-on-Call, University administrators who are available 24/7 and provide guidance and support to students
- Sexual Assault Deans-on-Call, University administrators specifically trained in trauma-informed 40+ Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention
- Bias Education and Support Team (BEST), which supports and guides students seeking assistance in determining how to handle incidents involving actions committed against them that are motivated by a bias against their identity, background, ability, or physical appearance
- Student Case Management, provides a solution–focused, holistic, and strengths–based approach to support students experiencing basic needs challenges, medical concerns, emotional/psychological distress, academic issues, and/or social difficulties.
Area Deans of Students
Your Area Dean of Students should always be your first stop as you navigate the wide variety of offices and programs across the University.
Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
The University is committed to providing a prompt and thorough investigation of all complaints of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct notwithstanding any external investigative and legal processes.
Safety and Security Resources
Being aware of your surroundings and prepared for unexpected situations goes hand-in-hand with city life, and you can learn more information about the University's safety and security resources through this page.