From January, 2013
Photo by Hans Glick
Students and basketball fans at the University of Chicago brightened up an otherwise dark and dreary January evening last week when they donned neon t-shirts, sunglasses, and other accessories as part of the first annual Neon Night. The colorful event, which took place on January 19 as part of an UChicago basketball double-header event in Gerald Ratner Athletics Center, replaced Beach Night as the biggest promotion of the year for Physical Education and Athletics.
“Neon Night was a big success, with approximately 1,200 students and fans turning out to support our basketball teams battle conference-foe Brandeis University,” said Nathan Lindquist, Physical Education and Athletics Sports Information Director. “Our students really showed their support.”
Under several brightly colored pink and green banners, the stands were a sea of neon-colored t-shirts and accessories, such as sunglasses, necklaces and plastic fedoras, some of which were provided at tables near the gymnasium entrances.
The UChicago men’s and women’s basketball games served as the night’s primary entertainment. A supportive, boisterous home crowd cheered the varsity women on to a 73-61 victory. The gym remained just as energetic for the men’s contest, which Brandeis won 59-55.
“We want to thank the University of Chicago community for helping to make Neon Night a memorable event,” Lindquist said. “We hope to repeat and grow this event in coming years.”
Halftime of both games featured several other activities. Prizes were given out to the best-dressed fan, the winners of a shooting contest, and the winners of a dance contest. Attendees also enjoyed brightly colored candy throughout the night and free pizza between games.
Volunteers from the Order of the “C” and Women’s Athletic Association were instrumental in the evening’s planning, setup and staffing.