Provost Daniel Diermeier: Update on Administrative Modernization and Shared Services

August 14, 2017

From: Daniel Diermeier, Provost

To: University Faculty, Staff, and Academic Appointees

Date: August 14, 2017

Subject: Update on administrative modernization and shared service

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing with a quarterly update on the Administrative Modernization and Shared Services project. Over the past year, with input from many of you, we refined plans for updating administrative processes that were originally considered as a part of the Shared Services project. The new plan includes many features that you recommended including: increased training and piloting of updated processes, making process updates optional when possible and using a gradual roll out approach, testing in administrative units, and making concrete plans for evaluation and improvement.

To support process changes and improve our help desk, the Shared Services Office has opened at 6054 S. Drexel Ave. The office has been staffed largely through reorganization of staff from central administrative offices that are located in the same building. The office has taken on many of the original responsibilities of those staff groups, will provide enhanced help desk support and will take on roles in some of the updated processes. You can learn more about the Shared Services Office on the resources tab at the Project Website.

Select processes in Human Resources, Procurement and Payroll will be offered through the Shared Services Office in the week of August 21st and additional changes will be rolled out in the coming months and years, with appropriate time for communication and training. The current plan for proposed process updates was shared in the spring and can be reviewed on the resources tab at the Project Website. Specific information on process updates is available and staff training is underway. Training resources and related materials can be accessed here and specific roll out dates will be shared with staff as they are set. We see these updates as early steps in an administrative modernization focus that will be continuous and extend to other administrative functions such as finance, IT and research administration.

A key effort for the past year was to increase communication on proposed administrative changes and better gather and integrate feedback. We continue to work toward this goal for this project and develop better practices for future rollouts of administrative updates.  The Administrative Improvements Working Group is also beginning its efforts to address concerns on issues identified by faculty and staff. Find more information on the working group and provide your input on issues and ideas for improvements here.

As always, we appreciate your input and are happy to talk. Please email or reach out to Vice Provost Melina Hale ( or Associate Vice President-Shared Services Ronn Kolbash (

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