October 4, 2021
To: All graduate students and returning undergraduate students
From: Michele Rasmussen, Dean of Students in the University, and Bridget Collier, Associate Provost & Title IX Coordinator for the University
Subject: Sexual Misconduct Awareness and Prevention Training Update
Date: October 4, 2021
As Provost Lee mentioned in her October 1 message, annual sexual misconduct awareness and prevention training is mandatory for all students, faculty, other academic appointees, staff, and postdoctoral researchers. All enrolled graduate students, professional students, and second- through fourth-year students in the College are required to complete an online training program. First-year students in the College completed an online training program and the Campus Life Matters UMatter Module in Canvas during Orientation and other Autumn Quarter activities.
To complete your required course, visit the training provider website and log in using your UChicago CNetID. The training link is below:
Log in to Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training
The program allows you to save your progress and return later; however, the full course must be completed by Monday, October 25, 2021. Students who do not complete the training by October 25 will not be permitted to register for the Winter Quarter until they complete the training.
Equal Opportunity Programs (EOP) staff at the Center for Awareness, Resolution, Education, and Support (UChicago CARES) can answer questions about the University’s policies, procedures, and resources pertaining to sexual misconduct. Contact the UChicago CARES team at titleix@uchicago.edu.
We encourage you to review this student resource guide and visit the UMatter website or the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Support website for information regarding the University’s response to sexual misconduct and available resources (including confidential resources). Additional information about student training is available on the EOP website.
Reasonable accommodation: If you need a reasonable accommodation to complete the online course, please contact Equal Opportunity Programs at titleix@uchicago.edu or 773.834.OEOP (6367).
Extenuating circumstances: University leadership recognizes that this topic may be very challenging for some individuals. If you require any additional support measures to complete this training, please contact Renae DeSautel, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, at desautel@uchicago.edu or 773.702.0438.
Thank you for your continued support of this important initiative and helping us build a safe and welcoming campus environment.