Student Mask and Thermometer Packet Pick-Up

January 11, 2021

Packets with two UChicago-branded masks and a thermometer are available to students who did not receive a packet during Autumn Quarter and who will be on campus this Winter Quarter.

  • Students living on campus will receive their packets in their residence hall rooms.
  • New graduate students who are picking up their UChicago ID Cards at the ID & Privileges Office in Regenstein Library will receive their packets there.
  • Students living off campus (both undergraduates and graduates) can pick up one packet at the following locations. Please bring your UChicago ID.
    • Student Wellness Center
      • Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (starting January 20)
      • 840 E. 59th Street
    • Student Activities Center
      • Reynolds Club, Room 001
      • 5706 S. University Ave.
      • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. (starting January 20)

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