September 16, 2015
We are excited to announce the launch of the Center for Identity + Inclusion, which demonstrates CSL's continued commitment to supporting a diverse and inclusive campus community. The Center for Identity + Inclusion will encompass the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) and the Office of LGBTQ Student Life, as well as the newly-created Student Support Services office, which will partner with other campus offices to support first generation, low-income, and undocumented students at the University. Karlene Burrell-McRae, the Associate Dean of Students and Director of the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, will take on an expanded leadership role with her oversight of the Center.
This new name replaces what was affectionately known as “5710” (after its Woodlawn Avenue home) to more accurately reflect the respective missions of the offices housed within the Center. Collectively, they are focused on offering enhanced opportunities for engagement, dialogue, and action as we work together to create a sense of belonging for all members of our campus community.
Please join the campus community at a launch party on Thursday, October 1, from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at 5710 South Woodlawn Avenue. You will have a chance to learn about the Center for Identity + Inclusion as well as tour the newly renovated first floor and catch up with colleagues and students.
CSL would like to thank the students, faculty, and staff who have partnered with us over the past year by participating in focus groups and working groups during the strategic planning process that led to the creation of this new Center. Most importantly, the Center for Identity + Inclusion owes a great deal to all of the current and past student leaders, staff, and faculty who have made 5710 feel like a home on campus. We look forward to continuing this spirit of community under our new name.
We hope to see you on October 1 at the launch party!