Campus and Student Life Staff Awards Information

The annual Campus and Student Life (CSL) Staff Awards program recognizes CSL staff members who have made a valuable and appreciated impact on university life, whether through their interactions with students, faculty, and others, or through the development of new systems, policies, and programs. Visit the CSL Staff Award Winners page to read more about current and past winners. Awards are given out at a luncheon in the Autumn Quarter.

There are five award categories:

  1. Innovation
  2. Outstanding Newcomer
  3. Outstanding Service to Students
  4. Rosalie M. Resch Award for Outstanding Service to the University Community
  5. Stephen P. Klass "STAR" Award (Service, Teamwork, Attitude, Reliability)

Nominations for the 2023-24 CSL Staff Awards are closed.


Any benefits-eligible individual staff member in a CSL Program or Service area who has been in their current position for a minimum of one year, with the exception of the Outstanding Newcomer Award, which requires a minimum of six months of service in CSL.

Those who are not eligible for the award include Staff Awards Committee Members.

Who Can Submit Nominations

Any faculty, staff, alumni, or student at the University of Chicago.


  • The nominator can only nominate one person per award category.
  • Nominators should provide details about the nominee and their accomplishments in light of the criteria for the specific award.
  • Nomination forms are posted during Spring Quarter.


  • A winner can only receive one award per year.
  • A winner one year can win an award in another category the next year.


  • Name added to “CSL Staff Awards” plaque
  • The Pub membership for one year
  • Winner’s lunch at the Quadrangle Club
  • Complimentary three-month membership to the Ratner Athletic Center

Innovation Award

This award is given to a staff member who has generated novel and valuable ideas and used these ideas to develop new or improved processes, methods, systems, programs, or services. The award recognizes creative ideas that have improved the university and have made the University of Chicago a better place to live and work.

Criteria: Nominees for this award should:

  • Work to improve any area of the university’s operations (from academics to athletics, campus life to systems).
  • Identify creative solutions, large or small in scope, that have made a significant and positive difference.
  • Suggest new ways to improve the quality of services or programming.
  • Identify novel approaches for completing work more effectively or efficiently.
  • Identify new ideas, solutions, or directions.
  • Work to develop new approaches when problem solving; sought ideas or suggestions from others as appropriate.
  • Plan effectively for the successful implementation and long-term success of new services, systems, or programming.

Outstanding Newcomer Award

This award is given to an outstanding staff member who has worked at least six months but no more than three years in their current office/department in the CSL division (from initial date of hire).

Criteria: Nominees for this award should:

  • Demonstrate excellence in overall job performance.
  • Provide outstanding service to their specific department or division.
  • Make significant contributions to department or division in presentations, committee work, or projects.
  • Show willingness to assist beyond normal expectations.
  • Demonstrate dedication to the profession.
  • Show initiative and/or creativity in his or her work.
  • Promote an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation.

Outstanding Service to Students Award

This award is presented to the staff member who has provided outstanding service to individual students or student groups on a consistent basis, whether through personal advising, development of programs, or improvements to university systems and policies that affect students.

Criteria: Nominees for this award should:

  • Demonstrate commitment to identifying students’ needs or expectations and reacting appropriately to ensure student satisfaction.
  • Consider the impact on the student when taking action, setting policies, or carrying out tasks.
  • Be familiar with university policies and procedures that define or influence students’ needs and a commitment to educating students about these policies.
  • Involve students in decision-making or problem-solving processes as early as possible.
  • Be creative in seeking ways to provide or improve services that may increase efficiency and decrease cost.
  • Be willing to refer students to an appropriate department or employee to solve specific challenges; and to perform appropriate follow-up as needed with students to ensure that their issue/concern has been resolved.
  • Continuously work to improve student satisfaction and remove barriers to outstanding student service.

Rosalie M. Resch Award for Outstanding Service to the University Community

This award is named in honor of Rosalie (Rosy) M. Resch, who served the University community for 48 years as a dedicated administrator and coach within Athletics & Recreation. Although now retired, Rosy left a lasting impact on campus, beginning with her arrival in 1969 as an undergraduate student. In 2022, her significant contributions were recognized by UChicago as she was inducted into the UChicago Athletics Hall of Fame. 

This award is given to a staff member who has demonstrated concern and commitment to fulfill needs and ensure satisfaction when providing services to members of the University community. University community members can be defined as the university's many constituents, including co-workers, peers, and managers, as well as students, parents, faculty, alumni, and community members.

Criteria: Nominees for this award should:

  • Identify and react appropriately to the needs and expectations of members of the University community to ensure satisfactory service.
  • Consider the impact on the University community when taking action, setting policies, or carrying out tasks.
  • Be familiar with University policies and procedures and their impact on the University community, and be committed to educating the community about these policies.
  • Involve constituents (as applicable) in the decision-making or problem-solving process as early as possible.
  • Look for creative approaches to provide or improve services that may increase efficiency and decrease cost.
  • Refer members of the University community to appropriate departments or employees to solve specific challenges and perform appropriate follow-up as needed.
  • Seek ways to continuously improve satisfaction and remove barriers when providing services to members of the University community.

Stephen P. Klass “STAR” Award (Service, Teamwork, Attitude, Reliability)

This award was established in honor of Stephen P. Klass, who served as Vice President and Dean of Students from 2002-2006, and is given to the staff member who has consistently excelled in his or her position; has made outstanding contributions in the area of service and dedication to the University of Chicago; has promoted teamwork and collaboration across CSL and the University; has worked quietly behind the scenes to improve his or her division or department; and who has consistently done so with a positive and forward-thinking attitude.

Criteria: When nominating individuals for this award, please cite examples of exceptional performance from all four categories:

  • Service: The nominee provides outstanding customer service, whether to students, faculty, parents, co-workers, or community members.
  • Teamwork: The nominee develops and encourages cooperation and collaboration, while displaying outstanding group effort. The nominee also consistently offers support, assistance, and encouragement to co-workers, often without being asked to do so.
  • Attitude: The nominee consistently demonstrates patience, good humor, and enthusiasm while on the job. The nominee also demonstrates excellence in resolving conflicts and/or facing challenges.
  • Reliability: The nominee provides prompt, efficient, and reliable service. The nominee is both dependable and trustworthy, and instills in his or her co-workers a sense of responsibility and dedication to the University.

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