Independent Review Committee for the University of Chicago Police Department


The Independent Review Committee (IRC) reviews citizen complaints of abusive language, violation of rights, excessive force, and dereliction of duty brought against the UCPD. Following its review, the committee may also comment on related policies as well as recommend procedural and communication changes. The committee’s membership includes three faculty members, three students, two staff members and three community members. The Committee usually meets once a quarter during the academic year for 90-120 minutes depending on the volume of cases. 


  • Students must be a current College, graduate, or professional student at the University of Chicago.
  • Students must be enrolled and in good standing in their academic program.
  • Students who are not present or actively engaged in the IRC may lose member status.
  • Terms for the IRC expire at the conclusion of the 2024-25 academic year.

Application and Selection Process

Each year, the Committee seeks three students to serve a term of one academic year. Students who serve on the IRC must be mature and fair-minded and maintain the strict confidentiality of the cases they hear and of committee discussions and deliberations. This committee is not an advisory board and is thus not an appropriate venue for advancing an agenda or cause. Knowledge of the University is highly advantageous, so these roles are likely to be best filled by students who have been at the University for two or more years.

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are being accepted for one (1) remaining graduate or professional student seat on a rolling basis. Applications will be reviewed as received until we fill the seat, with the intention of doing so by early August 2024 so that the selected committee member may be onboarded prior to the start of the quarter.

The Office of the Dean of Students in the University will review applications. Finalists will be invited for an interview. The Office of the Provost appoints all IRC members; student members must be nominated by the Dean of Students in the University.

Questions about the Committee or your application? Please contact Campus and Student Life at

UChicagoSocial: Campus and Student Life