

Safety and Security Alert Notification Update

July 10, 2018

Associate Vice President for Eric M. Heath updates the campus on changes to the current crime notification process.

President and Provost: Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

July 9, 2018

The University of Chicago’s longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion has been and remains essential to the quality of our research and education and the scope and breadth of their impact.

10th Anniversary Celebration of 5710 S. Woodlawn

May 25, 2018

Join students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community partners in celebrating the 10th anniversary of 5710 S. Woodlawn (now the Center for Identity + Inclusion).

Rockefeller Carillon New Music Festival

May 22, 2018

Rockefeller Chapel is hosting a festival of new music for the carillon, the first such festival in Chicago's history, on May 25-26.

Student Forum: Moving from Dialogue to Action

May 17, 2018

An opportunity for those in the University community to contribute their ideas and energy to campus-wide efforts on diversity and inclusion. 

Apply to Work at Convocation

May 7, 2018

The application for Convocation student staff roles is now open.

CSL Staff Award Nomination Process Underway

May 7, 2018

The annual CSL Staff Awards recognize staff members in CSL who have made valuable contributions to UChicago, whether through their interactions with students, faculty, staff, and others, or through the development of new systems, policies, and programs.

Save the Date: Rainbow Graduation

April 30, 2018

Rainbow Graduation is an annual event celebrating the achievements of LGBTQ-identified graduates in the class of 2018.

Campus Conversations

April 30, 2018

Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate in one of the upcoming Campus Conversations about inclusion in our classrooms and within our campus community. Campus Conversations are offered as part of the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative.

Seeking Student Applications for University-Wide Committees and Boards

April 25, 2018

Campus and Student Life and the Office of the Provost are seeking student applications for a number of important committees and boards for the 2018-19 academic year, as well as the position of Associate Student Ombudsperson.

2018 Cafferty Lecture on Race and Ethnicity in American Life

April 16, 2018

The Pastora San Juan Cafferty Lecture on Race and Ethnicity in American Life, "Revolutionary Inheritance: Black Professionals and the Black Power Movement," will feature Joyce M. Bell, the Don A. Martindale Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota.

Wrong Way Journey

April 16, 2018

As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Wrong Way Journey is a story about a young woman who, as a result of college rape, is forced out of naivete into a journey towads healing, wholeness, and liberation, while grappling with spirituality and sexuality as she learns how to adjust to, accept, and reject the world's ideals and expectations.

Spirit Week 2018

April 13, 2018

Spirit Week is an annual celebration of spiritual, religious, and philosophical diversity at UChicago.

Mental Health Resources for Students at UChicago

April 11, 2018

UChicago’s Student Counseling Service (SCS) strives to meet the needs of University of Chicago students in a caring, professional, and confidential manner. An FAQ provides further details on SCS.

President and Provost: Police Shooting Incident

April 4, 2018

President Robert J. Zimmer and Provost Daniel Diermeier provided an update on an incident that occured near campus.

2018 Davis Grant Recipient

April 2, 2018

Hekang Yang, an international student from China studying in the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences, is the recipient of the 2018 Davis Projects for Peace Grant. Davis Projects for Peace is an initiative for students to design their own grassroots projects that promote peace and address the root causes of conflict among parties.

Become A Peer Health Advocate

March 28, 2018

Join the Health Promotion & Wellness Team as a Peer Health Advocate. Applications are now open. 

Sexual Misconduct Support and Resources

March 27, 2018

As part of the University’s ongoing commitment to enhance and improve how sexual misconduct is handled and prevented, the University’s Equal Opportunity Programs area was recently re-organized to include a new Office for Sexual Misconduct Support and Resources.

New policy on religious accommodation for students

March 26, 2018

A new policy permits accommodations for students who must miss class, assignments and exams in observance of religious holidays.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

March 22, 2018

Student Government is holding events throughout April in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. 

UChicagoSocial: Campus and Student Life